8 minute read
We use Hive-MQ community Edition version 2022.1 in our stack, you can build a base version of it separately or install the configured version with our entire stack through the methods listed in our Get Started section.
We made some modifications to the configuration, namely adding extensions for better configuration and configuring the HiveMQ broker to fit better into our stack. For more information about Hive-MQ Community Edition, make sure to look into their extensive documentation
In the following table we will list the elements we used in the config.xml file we provide on startup of the hivemq container.
The following elements are all inside the /
Element | Description | contains | Possible values | Example values |
<tcp-listener> | element for a basic TCP connection | 1 of each elements: <port>, <bind-address>, <name> | - | - |
<tls-tcp-listener> | element for a secure TCP connection | 1 of each elements: <port>, <bind-address>, <name>, <tls> | - | - |
<websocket-listener> | element for a basic WebSocket connection | 1 of each elements: <port>, <bind-address>, <name> | - | - |
<tls-websocket-listener> | element for a secure WebSocket connection | 1 of each elements: <port>, <bind-address>, <name>, <tls> | - | - |
<tls> | element contains tls details for secure connections | variable, possible elements: <protocols>, <keystore>, <truststore>, <client-authentication-mode>, <cipher-suites>, <prefer-server-cipher-suites> | - | - |
<port> | port number for listeners | valid port number | any valid port number | <port>1883</port> |
<bind-address> | bind address for listeners | valid IP address | any valid IP address | <bind-address></bind-address> |
<name> | name for the listener | the name for the listener | any string | <name>hivemq-mqtt</name> |
<protocols> | element contains enabled protocols for the listener | <protocol> elements for each protocol enabled | - | - |
<protocol> | name of a protocol | valid protocol name | “TLSv1”, “TLSv1.1”, “TLSv1.2”, “TLSv1.3” | <protocol>“TLSv1.3” </protocol> |
<keystore> | element for a keystore | 1 of each elements: <path>, <password>, <private-key-password> | - | - |
<truststore> | element for a truststore | 1 of each elements: <path>, <password> | - | - |
<password> | password to open the respective store | the valid password to the corresponding element | UTF-8 string | <password> changeme <password> |
<path> | path to where the respective store is stored | a valid relative path | valid path as a string | <path> /stores/truststore.jks <path> |
<client-authentication-mode> | Determines which way HiveMQ handles authentication | A key to describe what way certificates are needed by the client | NONE, POSSIBLE, REQUIRED | <client-authentication-mode>REQUIRED</client-authentication-mode> |
<cipher-suites> | element contains enabled cipher suites | <cipher-suite> elements | - | - |
<cipher-suite> | cipher suite | a valid cipher suite name | valid cipher suite names | <cipher-suite>TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</cipher-suite> |
<prefer-server-cipher-suites> | optional element, which enables preferential use of cipher suites higher up in the <cipher-suites> element | a boolean value | true, false | <prefer-server-cipher-suites>true</prefer-server-cipher-suites> |
The following elements are all inside the /
Element | Description | contains | Possible values | Example values |
<client-session> | Manages persistence of the client session | one of each elements: <general>, <queued-messages>, <subscriptions> | - | - |
<general> | details how the client session generally handles persistence | <mode> element | - | - |
<mode> | persistence handling mode (either memory based or disk based) | string | in-memory, file | <mode>file</mode> |
<queued-message> | details how the client session handles persistence of queued messages | one of each elements: <mode>, <queued-messages-strategy>, <max-queued-messages> | - | - |
<max-queued-messages> | maximum number of queued messages for a specific client | a positive integer | positive integers | <max-queued-messages>1800000</max-queued-messages> |
<queued-messages-strategy> | Handles what to do when message queue is full | string which determines discarding strategy | discard, discard-oldest | <queued-messages-strategy>discard-oldest</queued-messages-strategy> |
<subscriptions> | details how the client session handles persistence on granted subscriptions | <mode> element | - | - |
<message-flow> | details how incoming and outgoing message flow persistence is handled | <incoming> , <outgoing> | - | - |
<incoming> | contains mode for incoming messages | <mode> element | - | - |
<outgoing> | contains mode for incoming messages | <mode> element | - | - |
<retained-messages> | details how the client handles persistence of retained messages | <mode> element | - | - |
<publish-payloads> | details how publish payloads are stored | <mode> element | - | - |
<attribute> | details how session attributes are stored | <mode> element | - | - |
<client-group> | details how client groups are stored | <mode> element | - | - |
The following elements are all inside the /
Element | Description | contains | Possible values | Example values |
<allow-empty-client-id> | allows the use of empty client IDs | <enabled> element | - | - |
<enabled> | enables or disables the meta-element | boolean value | true, false | |
<utf8-validation> | enables UTF-8 validation of topic names and client IDs | <enabled> element | - | - |
Our HiveMQ implementation uses an init-container to download and install the following extensions:
These extensions are configured by the config-extensions.yaml. For detailed information visit their respective github documentation listed below. Nevertheless, we provide explanation regarding our standard configuration.
This one uses an XML markup format for its configuration. In the table below we give a quick rundown of what the config contains. Make sure to check out their GitHub documentation for more details.
Element | Description | contains | Possible values | Example Values |
<users> | Base element, entirety of <users> | <user> elements | - | - |
<user> | First indentation element, <users> is composed of these elements | one of each elements: <name>, <password>, <roles> | - | - |
<name> | Name of the user | username as string | any | <name> FACTORYINPUT </name> |
<password> | password for the username, in our case it is a custom encrypted hash, see this article for more information | password | password without whitespaces | <password>changeme</password> |
<roles> | Roles users can have | depending on location: base element contains <role> elements, defining the <role>s; as a subelement of <user> it defines what roles a user has | - | - |
<id> | id of a <role> | <id> of a defined <role> | valid MQTT topic structure | <id>superuser |
<role> | Role, base element <roles> is composed of these elements | one <id> element, one <permissions> element | - | - |
<permissions> | collection of all pub/sub <permission>s the role has | one or multiple | - | - |
<permission> | A sub/pub permission for the role | a valid <topic> element | - | - |
<topic> | Topic for the <permission> element | a valid topic structure string | all valid topic structures | <topic>ia/# |
This one uses an XML markup format for its configuration. In the table below we give a quick rundown of what the config contains. Make sure to check out their GitHub documentation for more details.
Element | Description | contains | Possible values | Example Values |
<bind-address> | (required) Base element, IP Address the service is bound to | valid IP address | any valid IP address | <bind-address></bind-address> |
<port> | (optional) Base element, port under which the service is available. 9090 if unset. | valid port number | any valid port number | <port> 9090 </port> |
<path> | (required) Base element, path where the heartbeat HTTP service is located. Default ist /heartbeat | valid path | any valid path | <path> /heartbeat </path> |
This one uses a yaml style key:value pair in its configuration. For more information make sure to check out their [GitHub documentation]
Element | Description | contains | Possible values | Example Values |
host | IP Address the service is bound to | valid IP address | any valid IP address | |
port | The port which the servlet will listen to. 9399 if unset. | valid port number | any valid port number | 9399 |
metric_path | The path for the service which gets called by Prometheus. It must start with a slash. | valid path | any valid path | /prometheus |
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{include "united-manufacturing-hub.fullname" .}}-hivemqce-hive
config.xml: |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<hivemq xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
{{- if .Values.hivemqce.service.mqtt.enabled}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .Values.hivemqce.service.mqtts.enabled}}
{{range .Values.hivemqce.service.mqtts.tls_versions}}
{{range .Values.hivemqce.service.mqtts.cipher_suites}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .Values.hivemqce.service.ws.enabled}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .Values.hivemqce.service.wss.enabled}}
{{range .Values.hivemqce.service.wss.tls_versions}}
{{range .Values.hivemqce.service.wss.cipher_suites}}
{{- end}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{include "united-manufacturing-hub.fullname" .}}-hivemqce-extension
# https://github.com/hivemq/hivemq-file-rbac-extension
credentials.xml: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
{{if .Values._000_commonConfig.infrastructure.mqtt.adminUser.enabled}}
heartbeat.xml: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
prometheus.properties: |