
The technical documentation of the microservice kafka-init, which is called before certain message consumers are allowed to access some topics.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are used by kafka-init:

Variable nameDescriptionTypePossible valuesExample value
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the kafka broker, port is requiredstringvalid URLskafka:9092
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORDPassword for the SSL keystringallpassword
KAFKA_TOPICSA semicolon separated list of topics to createstringallia.factoryinsight.testlocation.testmachine.count;ia.raw
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developers. If logging level is not DEVELOPMENT, default logging will be usedstringanyDEVELOPMENT
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringalldevelopment
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringallbarcodereader
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library, do not enable in productionstringtrue, 1, any1
Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)