
The technical documentation of the microservice factoryinput, which provides a REST endpoint for MQTT messages via HTTP requests.

This microservice is still in development and is not considered stable for production use

This microservice is typically accessed via grafana-proxy

Environment variables

This chapter explains all environment variables used in barcodereader.

Variable nameDescriptionTypePossible valuesExample Values
CUSTOMER_NAME_{NUMBER}Specifies a user for the REST APIstringalljeremy
CUSTOMER_PASSWORD_{NUMBER}Specifies the password for the user for the REST APIstringallchangeme
FACTORYINPUT_USERSpecifies the admin user for the REST APIstringalljeremy
FACTORYINPUT_PASSWORDSpecifies the password for the admin user for the REST APIstringallchangeme
VERSIONVersion of the API to host, currently 1 is the only valid valueintegerall1
CERTIFICATE_NAMECertificate for MQTT authorization or NO_CERTstringallNO_CERT
BROKER_URLURL to the broker. Can be prepended with “ssl://” or “mqtt://” or needs to suffix the port with :1883stringalltcp://united-manufacturing-hub-vernemq-local-service:1883
MY_POD_NAMEThe pod name. Used for tracing, logging and MQTT client IDstringallapp-factoryinput-0
MQTT_QUEUE_HANDLERNumber of queue workers to spawn. Default is 10.uint0-6553510
Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)