
The technical documentation for the microservice kafka-to-blob, which saves raw images from Kafka to blob storage.

This microservice is only community supported, which means that you might encounter issues when working with it.

Kafka-to-blob is a microservice that saves images from kafka to blob storage.

It can store raw image data.

💡This microservices requires that the Kafka Topic umh.v1.kafka.newTopic exits. In Version > 0.9.12 this happens automatically.

Environment variables

Variable nameDescriptionTypePossible valuesExample value
BUCKET_NAMEThe bucket to store the images instringallumh
KAFKA_BASE_TOPICSet this if you want to automatically create the topicstringvalid kafka topicsia
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the Kafka broker used, port is requiredstringalllocalhost:9092
KAFKA_LISTEN_TOPICThe kafka topic to listen tostringall valid kafka topicsia.factoryinsight.testfactory.testmachine.rawimage
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORDKey password to decode the SSL private keystringanychangeme
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developers. If logging level is not DEVELOPMENT, default logging will be usedstringanyDEVELOPMENT
MINIO_ACCESS_KEYThe access key of the minio serverstringallchangeme
MINIO_SECRET_KEYThe secret key of the minion serverstringallchangeme
MINIO_SECUREUses https if true, http if falsebooltrue, falsetrue
MINIO_URLThe URL of the minio serverstringallumhminio-hl.united-manufacturing-hub.svc.cluster.local:9000
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringalldevelopment
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringallbarcodereader


kafka-to-blob does not guarantee delivery of messages.

Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)