
The technical documentation of the microservice opcuasimulator

This microservice is a community contribution and is not part of the main stack of the United Manufacturing Hub, but it is enabled by default.

Getting Started

This microservice simulates data in four different topics by default, make sure to look at our OPCUA simulator guide to see how to utilize them to generate custom data. You can read the documentation of the standalone application here.

With the standard configuration it simulates four different parameters around a set mean and standard deviation. It publishes messages on an OPC UA server, you can look up the address in OpenLens when inspecting the pod logs.

If you want the simulated messaged to be processValues or other message types, just quickly adjust them via a Node-RED flow. We have some templates in our Node-RED repository.

Environment variables

This chapter explains all the variables used in the opcuasimulator. Be aware that in the UMH stack implementation of this microservice many environment variables are set in its own config.yaml instead of the values.yaml which retrieves environment variables for other microservices.

Variable nameDescriptionTypePossible valuesExample value
USERIDsMaps of user name password combinations that can access the server, leave blank if you want no authenticationmapall[{"Username" : "root", "Password" : "secret"}]
SET_DELAY_BETWEEN_MESSAGESdelay between messages in secondsintpositive numbers15
RANDOMIZE_DELAY_BETWEEN_MESSAGESWhether or not the duration between data points should be randomizedbooltrue, falsefalse
SIMULATORSMap with the specifications for all parametersmapvalid maps with name, mean and standard deviation[{Name: Temperature, Mean: 5, StandardDeviation: 1}]
NameName of the parameterstringallTemperature, Humidity, Density, Weight
Meanmean value of the parameterfloatpositive floating point numbers80.7
StandardDeviationstandard deviation of the parameterfloatpositive floating point numbers1.54
HOSTMain host name considered for the certificates, standard is os.Hostnamestringlocalhost
CERTIFICATEMaps of hostnames and IPsmapall"CERTIFICATE":{"Hosts":[], "IPS":[]}
HOSTSlist of additional hostnameslistall"Hosts":["opcua"]
IPSlist of IPslistall"IPS":[]
Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)