Installing k3OS on Proxmox

This How To helps you to install k3os on a VM hosted by Proxmox


Adjust the prompt explained in this tutorial to (Paste Line by Line):

cd /var/lib/vz/template/iso/ 
wget <>
qm create 101 --memory 6144 --sockets 3 -ostype l26 --onboot yes --name k3OS --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr1 --cdrom local:iso/k3os-amd64.iso --virtio0 local-lvm:10 --bootdisk virtio0 
qm start 101

Here we are creating a new VM with the ID 101, 6144 MB of memory, 3 sockets, k3OS as OS, with a vmbr1 bridge and 10 BG LVM storage. Subsequently we are starting the VM that was just created.

Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)