Accessing Kafka Shell scripts in the United Manufacturing Hub?

When working in Kafka you are often required to use shell scripts like XXX, YYY, etc.. Because we are using Kubernetes, Helm and charts this is not self explanatory to find and use them. Some actions can also be executed with


Accessing the shell scripts:

  1. Connect with UMHLens to the United Manufacturing Hub instance
  2. Open a shell inside the kafka container
  3. Execute cd /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ and there you will find the scripts

Accessing Kowl:

  1. Connect with UMHLens to the United Manufacturing Hub instance
  2. Select the Kowl service
  3. Click on the port for UMHLens to create a port forward
Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)