How to troubleshoot 'has no deployed releases' error during deployment?

This troubleshooting guide helps you troubleshoot the error ‘has no deployed releases while doing deployment.

If you are deploying a Docker stack using Helm and receive the error message “has no deployed releases,” it means that Helm cannot find a deployed release with the specified name. There are a couple of steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue.


Failed deployment, error message “has no deployed releases”.


First, try executing the following command:

kubectl patch secret [name-of-secret-related-to-deployment] --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"labels":{"status":"deployed"}}}' 
  Source: [](

This command updates the labels of the specified secret, which may be necessary for successful deployment.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, you can try upgrading the release with the “force” flag:

helm upgrade [release name] --force
 Source: [](

This forces Helm to upgrade the release, even if it is already at the latest version.

If these steps don’t solve the problem, you may need to make changes to the values.yaml file in your Helm chart and try deploying again. This file contains configuration values for your stack, and modifying it may be necessary to resolve deployment issues.

Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)