How does the access to the postgresql database work?

In this article we are detailing how to access the database internally and externally
  1. Forward the TimescaleDB port
  2. Use DataGrip or a similar databank IDE
  3. Add a new data source
    1. use the forwarded address and port as host and port
    2. unless you have changed it during installation, use factoryinsight as user and changeme as password
    3. use factoryinsight as database
  4. Apply and you can explore the database. If the connection starts to fail, cancel the forwarding and reenable it, then adjust the port number.

Internal Access via Shell

Generally for internal access you usually dont need a username or password.

  1. Open UMHLens
  2. Open the timescale-db pod
  3. Open the Shell for the pod
  4. type in psql
  5. you now have access to psql through the Shell and can execute SQL statements
  6. you need to execute
\c factoryinsight

to connect to the correct database

Last modified February 17, 2023: update (#208) (ea731fc)