4. United Manufacturing Hub
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The United Manufacturing Hub combines all previously mentioned best-practices.
It is Open-Source and is therefore vendor neutral.
Best-practice tools
It leverages strongly the Open-Source ecosystem like Node-RED and Grafana.
But it also connects to common commercial solutions, like for example Tulip
Microservices architecture
It bundles all these tools together in a flexible microservice architecture using Docker, Kubernetes and Helm. It is basically a Helm Chart.
Unified Namespace (MQTT) + Apache Kafka
The United Manufacturing Hub is a Unified Namespace, where you can push data in from various systems and share it across applications.
It leverages MQTT and additionally Apache Kafka for reliable data processing. The reasons behind this trade-off can be found in the blog article: Tools & Techniques for scalable data processing in Industrial IoT.
Reliable data storage
The main database is TimescaleDB as it combines a relational with a time-series database. The reasons for TimescaleDB compared to InfluxDB can be found in our blog article: Why we chose timescaleDB over InfluxDB.